Native American Tribes



Welcome to the Native American Pathfinder.  This pathfinder has been created to help you answer important questions about the first Americans.  The first Americans date back before Christopher Columbus and the earlier European Explorers.  They are commonly referred to as Native Americans. 

Your mission, in teams will be to answer important questions about one of the Five Civilized Tribes.  The Five  Civilized tribes were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole.  They were called this because they adopted many of the early colonists customs and has a relatively good relationship with them.

You will create an on-line slide presentation that will be shared with your class and your invited guests.  The collaborative slides will be placed on our libraries website for all to see. 

Click on your tribe to learn of your questions.  Each pathfinder page will provide both print and non-print resources which will help you in your journey in learning and teaching us about these fascinating people.

   Click on tribe you have been assigned to research   

Cherokee Chickasaw Choctaw Creek Seminole

Need help with MLA format?  Click on the following link: BibMe

username is [email protected] and password is library

SchoolCenter Picture

Ready to work on your presentations:  Click on  Click on your topic/classroom and "wow" us!  See Mrs. Starvaggi for username and password.